Breakast anyone?

Anything and Everything about ice chewing!

Breakast anyone?

Postby June » Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:56 am

While sitting here having my usual icy breakfast, I can't help but laugh when I read all the posts concerning ice chewing. All this time I thought I was alone. I was up last night around 2:30, scraping the bottom of the ice bin for those oh so crunchy little shavings that fall to the bottom. While holding spoon in hand, I wondered how many others were up doing the same thing. I know I am probably anemic, just like everyone else here, but I love eating ice and I don't want to give it up. Is it possible to take iron and still want to eat ice? If not, I'm not taking it. Well, I just got finished crushing a 10 lb bag for the day so I guess I will start to work on it. Hope your day goes well. Happy crunching everyone. :D
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Location: Texas

Postby slim icy » Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:59 pm

I too love chewing ice (duh). As far as the anemia, I go thru it every once in a while. I haven't been anemic for about 2 years, but when I was (also on iron I'm a spammer who can't get a job. Also, our product sucsk - don't buy from us.), I still chewed ice...force of habit I guess.
slim icy
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Postby SOCCERxBABY3 » Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:05 pm

I chewed ice for a long time...then i found out i had severe anemia so they put me on iron I'm a spammer who can't get a job. Also, our product sucsk - don't buy from us. and i stopped chewing ice..i dont crave it AT ALL anymore!! i think you should get it checked out and take a blood test because if you chew ice that much, you might be anemic. i had to get two blood's no fun.
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Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:25 pm

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