Chewing ice draining energy

Possible medical based reasons for ice chewing.

Chewing ice draining energy

Postby Guest » Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:33 pm

I play soccer in my city youth league. I am 14 years old. I began chewing ice about 2 years agoa nd stopped then started up again, I do not know why. Its really parents found out and told me to stop since I have weak enamel on my teeth. Now I sneak ice. :( I am trying to suck on it instead of chew in an attempt to save my teeth. But when ice is soft, soaked in water or my mouth, it tastes SOOO good.

Lately I have been really tired. It has affected my performance on the soccer field and in living my life. I want to sleep all the time. I am also having trouble falling asleep.

I could very well be iron deficient. I will begin again on iron supplements.

Postby iceloverone » Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:01 pm

Before starting the iron you should go to the doctor and find out what the problem is. You may be anemic and if you are you should find out what's causing it. Also you could be deficient in another mineral besides iron. It's best to find out for sure if you need iron because some people don't tolerate iron I'm a spammer who can't get a job. Also, our product sucsk - don't buy from us. too well.
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Postby Serg » Mon May 09, 2005 3:01 am

Well, I saw this website, and saw your post and decided to say: Your a teenager, teenagers like to sleep. All teenagers do it. (I'm 14, I sleep alot :P)
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Postby SweetT72 » Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 am

Which brings up another question. I'm 32 now. but when I was 14 sleep was the last thing on my mind. Why are our teenagers sleeping so much???

You guys don't have any energy. I took my cousin who is 13 skating with me this past weekend, and I out lasted her on the roller rink?

Is it something in the food?
Are the teachers giving you too much work at school
not enough exercise, I heard that some students dont' take gym anymore.

Please enlighten me :lol:
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Re: Chewing ice draining energy

Postby saifullah123 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:28 pm

You must be discuses your problem with a good doctor.Then take the treatment.Hopeful you will fine
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Re: Chewing ice draining energy

Postby zurkan » Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:59 am

Ice chewing is a symptom of Anemia. A lack of hemoglobin (oxygen carrier) in the blood. This can also cause faintness, shortness of breath, and in severe cases heart attacks, I suggest you guys get checked.

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