I had severe uterine fibroids. They became bad enough that I had to have a hysterectomy. This wasn't a terrible tragedy for me since I had decided not to have children, and I had so much pain and discomfort for so many years that it was actually a relief.
When I was returned to my room after the operation, my dear mother had a giant cup of ice waiting for me, knowing how much I loved my ice. I looked at the cup and nothing. No desire, no want. We were both flabbergasted. And I've never wanted it since. I do kind of miss it, though. So fresh and crunchy!

I had not been anemic until the fibroids became severe. I don't want to scare anyone - my hysterectomy was decided upon because of the fibroids and that I did not want children. This was also in the year 2001, and they have many, many other options for dealing with fibroids now.