Cause of Toothache

Possible medical based reasons for ice chewing.

Cause of Toothache

Postby saifullah123 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:17 pm

Dental etiology, In most cases toothaches are caused by problems in the tooth or jaw, such as
Dental caries
Pulpitis, an inflammation of the dental pulp. This can be either reversible or irreversible. Irreversible pulpitis can be identified by sensitivity and pain lasting longer than fifteen seconds, although an exception to this may exist if the tooth has been recently operated on. Teeth affected by irreversible pulpitis will need either root canal treatment or extraction of the tooth.
A special condition is barodontalgia, a dental pain evoked upon changes in barometric pressure, in otherwise asymptomatic but diseased teeth.
Wisdom teeth
Cracked tooth
Dry socket, which is a condition arising after having one or more teeth extracted (especially mandibular wisdom teeth).
Some causes of toothache are the more obvious culprits such as a cracked tooth, filling or veneer, dental caries from eating acidic, sweet foods that corrode the fillings and the tooth?s protective enamel layer. This corrosion is caused from the bacteria that are present on the teeth which break down the sugars in refined foods and then excrete them in the form of acids, which then eat away at the protective enamel of the tooth, causing a cavity, infection and eventually toothache.

Non-dental etiology

Trigeminal neuralgia
Cytotoxic chemotherapy-induced neuropathy
Atypical odontalgia is a form of toothache present in apparently normal teeth. This is the intra-oral equivalent of atypical facial pain. The pain, generally dull, often moves from one tooth to another for a period of 4 months to several years. The cause of atypical odontalgia is not yet clear, although some form of nerve deafferentation is plausible.
Referred pain of angina pectoris or a myocardial infarction.
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Re: Cause of Toothache

Postby Michealleo » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:28 am

Thanks for sharing some good info . I know that why young peoples and even elder peoples having this problem . when we eat some food that isn't good for tooths health . like chocolates , tea , and some cold drinks . And also when we dont brushed our teeths regularly . Thanks
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Last edited by Michealleo on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cause of Toothache

Postby mrfreeze2008 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:57 pm

yea my gf (well ex) said that it hurt her teeth when i asked her to chew
even when it was diluted
but i thought she was just makin excuses! (we broke up)

thanks for ur post!

thanks dougie xo
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Re: Cause of Toothache

Postby liuliandy » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:42 am

but i thought she was just makin excuses! (we broke up)

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Re: Cause of Toothache

Postby IrishDiva5006 » Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:23 am

Just a share. I have spent the past 27 years having one tooth 'explode' after the other. And that is after I quite chewing ice 28 yrs ago! All my molars have crowns plus a couple of others along with 3 dental implants @ 5G each. Very expensive habit and I did it to help me lose weight by giving me that nice crunch. Crunched the numbers into tens of thousands :shock: is more like it. My dentist said I'd have done the same by chewing on a gravel driveway. Of course he is retired and I can only think he is on his yacht or something because of my ice chewing! :x
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Re: Cause of Toothache

Postby danielehall21 » Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:39 am

Hello every one..!! Nice post and discussion. The posts are very well written. Toothache is the biggest problem I have ever faced. I don't know its exact cause but it pains like hell. It is in the lower right jaw. Sometimes I can;t even chew the food properly as it is unable to handle the pressure. My dentist told me that it is the wisdom tooth which is causing a problem and it must be pulled out. Can you please help me with any other alternative? I will be very grateful to you if you solve this problem. Thank you..!!
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Re: Cause of Toothache

Postby chal4oye » Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:34 am

All my molars have crowns plus a couple of others along with 3 dental implants @ 5G each. Very expensive habit and I did it to help me lose weight by giving me that nice crunch. Crunched the numbers into tens of thousands :shock: is more like it. My dentist said I'd have done the same by chewing on a gravel driveway. Of course he is retired and I can only think he is on his yacht or something because of my ice chewing! :x

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Re: Cause of Toothache

Postby dent » Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:58 am

Usually the main cause for the toothache is the white tooth decay. May be the gum disease or other infections can contribute.

Best is to immediately check with your dentist and get all your needs cleared. Meet the specialized dental implants dentists in NJ.
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