Does tea drain iron from the body

Possible medical based reasons for ice chewing.

Does tea drain iron from the body

Postby murigo » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:20 pm

let me ask this:
when I was in hospital being treated for heartfailure, I used to be served with eat after every meal. Later I found that tea is good for getting rid of excess iron in the body. I have been taking tea with every meal for months now but my cravings for ice have gone up up an up. I wonder whether the tea drinking has anything to do with it, and if I am losing iron that way. I also love tea so much and I cannot imagine drinking any other liquid with my meals. I also have very heavy periods. I may stop taking the tea and see what happens. I cannot self-treat with iron since I am in treatment for high blood pressure. I also take a blood thinner so iron-rich foods like spinach and other greens that have vitamin K are out.
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Re: Does tea drain iron from the body

Postby murigo » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:27 pm

Okey I will answer my own question for your interest since I just googled it:
and here is an a extract:
Just as iron absorption is enhanced by the presence of vitamin C, it is also sensitive to the presence of inhibitors that prevent it from being absorbed by the body. Tannin, found in tea and cola drinks, is a major inhibitor. Research has firmly established the large role played by tannins in preventing the assimilation of iron- the tannic acid in tea reduces iron absorption by as much as 50%. Although lemon added to tea might help in reducing the inhibiting properties of tannic acid, it is best to avoid tea and cola drinks when taking iron rich foods.

murigo wrote:let me ask this:
when I was in hospital being treated for heartfailure, I used to be served with eat after every meal. Later I found that tea is good for getting rid of excess iron in the body. I have been taking tea with every meal for months now but my cravings for ice have gone up up an up. I wonder whether the tea drinking has anything to do with it, and if I am losing iron that way. I also love tea so much and I cannot imagine drinking any other liquid with my meals. I also have very heavy periods. I may stop taking the tea and see what happens. I cannot self-treat with iron since I am in treatment for high blood pressure. I also take a blood thinner so iron-rich foods like spinach and other greens that have vitamin K are out.
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Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:09 pm

Re: Does tea drain iron from the body

Postby faarigia » Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:19 am

Ice chewing is a symptom of Anemia. A lack of hemoglobin (oxygen carrier) in the blood. This can also cause faintness, shortness of breath, and in severe cases heart attacks, I suggest you guys get checked.

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