IceQueen wrote:Might want to soften the ice in a glass of water for a bit before the chomping. It helps keep the teeth and fillings from breaking.
I keep two cups going, one for the eating, one for the melting. When I'm not home, I dont seem to have the same need for ice.
You could also try smaller cubes, if you fill a tray.
Someone is missing a market here... There's an invention worth a million in this - somewhere....
Tina wrote:I chewed ice like crazy during all three of my pregnancies. I had no other cravings. About 2 days after each birth, the cravings went away. The funny thing is, that I don't even put ice in my drinks, normally. Just recently, I was getting my husband ice for his drink. The next thing I knew, I had the whole ice cube tray dumped out and I was picking out the small pieces of ice and eating them. I never ate ice cubes. It had to be small pieces that I could crunch on. I don't know what triggered the craving. Maybe it's always there and when you're pregnant, with your emotions running high, it's impossible to deny the desire to crunch ice.
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