Finally diagnosed with anemia/cravings less

Possible medical based reasons for ice chewing.

Finally diagnosed with anemia/cravings less

Postby sbtier » Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:05 am

I've had ice cravings for 3 years, but never was diagnosed with anemia. I was in the hospital in July with an intestinal infection and my iron was low. The doctors thought it just might be from not eating, and said to wait a couple of months and get it tested again.

Turns out I have anemia and have been taking iron for 3 weeks. Lo and behold, the ice cravings are decreasing. Had ice only once this whole past weekend when it would normally be about 4 times.
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Re: Finally diagnosed with anemia/cravings less

Postby sbtier » Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:46 pm

Returning to report after taking iron for 5 weeks, my ice cravings have completely gone away after 3 years. I realized yesterday I hadn't had ice for over a week. I even put away the food processor I used to crush the ice!

I wish the doctor would have told me 3 YEARS AGO I was anemic. They told me I wasn't when I actually was borderline.
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Re: Finally diagnosed with anemia/cravings less

Postby ceepla » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:50 am

Wow. same thing with me.
I've had the cravings since summer and i recently was diagnosed with colitis and i have sever anemia because of it.
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Re: Finally diagnosed with anemia/cravings less

Postby obpac » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:55 pm

Six months ago I experienced a pica for ice and the smell of dirt. I went to my Dr. and found I had iron diff. anemia. After just two weeks of Iron the cravings went away. My dentist thanks my doc.
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Re: Finally diagnosed with anemia/cravings less

Postby kaykay0506 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:33 am

No way...I was recently diagnosed with colitis Dr. hasn't said anything specifically about anemia but ever since my diagnosis I have been craving ice like a mad woman....
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Re: Finally diagnosed with anemia/cravings less

Postby clemsgal » Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:09 pm

I started craving ice to chew over 3 years ago. I'm a nurse and aware that ice chewing is often a symptom of IDA. I'm post menopausal and had no signs/symptoms of bleeding. I also have a compulsive eating disorder and because of passable blood tests for a couple of years I kept thinking it was a part of my compulsive eating behavior. As I slid into relapse with my eating and I compulsively chewed ice, mostly the soft machine ice, often large ice tray cubes that have taken a toll on my teeth. Also, I was also very tired. But, gaining weight, not exercising, working night shift, 12 hr shifts I finally sold my house (with a lot of help from f/f), retired and moved to a neighboring state to live near my son and his family. I went back to my primary care Dr., for a clean bill of health to move records to my new hometown and I was alarmingly anemic (hgb was 7.3). I wound up under the care of a hematologist and needed a blood transfusion and weekly iron infusions which ended a couple of weeks ago with a recheck in a month. The 'ice chewing' has totally disappeared. I have no desire to chew ice. I am back on point with my treatment for my eating compulsion and except for arthritic knees that I plan to get replacements for, I have my life back. I have no desire to chew ice. Several tests have been done to find the reason and none found so far. If the iron/hgb go back down they plan to do a bone marrow biopsy, but for now I'm enjoying staying up all day and doing normal activities instead of laying around eating and chewing ice.
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