QUESTION regarding ice chewing link to anemia.

Possible medical based reasons for ice chewing.

QUESTION regarding ice chewing link to anemia.

Postby CubeChomper » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:48 pm

I posted this under the "Why?" message board..whoops. This is where it belongs though..

Hey, I'm new to this forum.. All because I noticed myself chewing ice at work, and without any REAL work to do, I decided to hop on the internet and google "ice chewing" because I had heard numerous rumors that ice chewing is linked with sexual frustration. :shock: :x I, however, am regularly intimate with my boyfriend--so I didn't see HOW I could be sexually frustrated--I digress.

So on here, I read a few posts..including a lot about how many people's ice chewing has something to do with anemia.

Now here's my question: does ice chewing CAUSE this low iron level, or is the ice chewing a RESULT of anemia? Because I have a great iron level and certainly do not want to become anemic. :?

Thank you for your time. I'd appreciate some responses.[/b]
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Re: QUESTION regarding ice chewing link to anemia.

Postby Zachrey » Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:40 pm

Iron deficiency anemia is serious business. You need to find out why your blood iron is low. There are many possibilities such as internal bleeding, colon lesions, colon cancer, uterine fibroids that are bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding, etc.

See a hematologist for the anemia and I would also see a gastroenterologist or a GI specialist to make sure there is nothing wrong with your intestines and so forth.

If you are over 50 years old, check with a doctor before you start taking iron supplements. Dangerous things can happen such as a sudden, dramatic increase in blood pressure.

Ferrous sulfate tends to cause constipation which can damage the colon. Iron peptonate seems to work better for a lot of people. Leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, etc are good sources as well as many others. Somebody here wrote that blackstrap molasses is good source of iron! See: ... f-iron.htm ... e&dbid=118

I'm not a doctor but my mom chews ice and had a recent dramatic increase in BP after taking iron supplements recommended by her doctor for iron deficiency anemia. So I did a ton of research on the net for her and am just passing it on.

If you chew ice, tell your doctor. If he or she giggles or rolls their eyes or see no relevance, dump them! Find another doctor! Doctors are the third leading cause of death in the US.

BE CHOOSY ABOUT WHO YOU PICK! It could save your life.

Before I forget, I don't know if the ice chewing causes anemia or if the anemia causes the ice chewing. I suspect the latter. But I don't chew ice so I wouldn't know fer sure.

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