other health issues CAUSED by ice chewing (not Anemia)

Possible medical based reasons for ice chewing.


Postby Guest » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:16 pm

MISS C wrote:
Guest wrote:I heard that some people chew ice due to sexual frustration. Any thoughts on this?


Postby c*hill » Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:52 pm

The name "pica" comes from the Latin word for magpie, a bird known for its large and indiscriminate appetite.

Persons with pica most frequently crave and consume non-food items such as dirt, clay, paint chips, plaster, chalk, cornstarch, laundry starch, baking soda, coffee grounds, cigarette ashes, burnt match heads, cigarette butts, and rust. Glue, hair, buttons, paper, sand, toothpaste, soap, oyster shells, and broken crockery also have been cited in pica cases.

Although consumption of some items may be harmless, pica is considered to be a serious eating disorder, sometimes resulting in serious health problems such as lead poisoning and iron-deficiency anemia.

Postby Guest » Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:15 am

Now there is nothing wrong with chewing ice. Ive been chewing ice since I was 5. im 13 and I am FINE!![/quote]
Whew, now I feel better. Let's talk again when you're an adult, not when you're an "almost adult" and have a little better understanding about what you're doing to your teeth and body!

Postby Ceramik » Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:19 pm

I dont think it has to do with sexual frustration, i get plenty of ass but i still chew ice, my father chews ice as well...it could be learned or hereditary....

Re: other health issues CAUSED by ice chewing (not Anemia)

Postby mrspndora » Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:09 am

Ice Ice Baby65 wrote:I have been told that chewing ice is bad for your stomach..has anyone else heard this OR other health issues associate w/ chewing Ice other then the obvious?
I know just how you feel because i'm a ice chewer too. I't make me feel weak bad tired and everything. When i over due it, I can eat a whole bag. Then here comes later my stomach is killing me (as in hurting). My husband tell me all the time quit eating that ice that's why my stomach hurt. Don't feel bad you're not by yourself.

Postby IceyinFlorida » Tue Mar 15, 2005 12:43 pm

I was told that there is a chemical that is used to actually freeze ice that can cause you medical problems if you ingest it in large quantities and over time. This was not told to me by a doctor but by a woman who had to seek help with her addiction to eating ice. The doctor who treated her told her this. I haven't found any facts about it (not that I have been really looking.... I love ice, gotta be addicted to something, at least it's not cigs or alcohol) I'm sure it's probably possible this could be true, but with so many people having this addiction you'd think there'd be more information on it. (Just MHO)
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chewing ice

Postby Kimberly » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:07 pm

I started chewing ice while I was pregnent and I am still chewing ice and my son is almost 3. I have cracked a tooth and had to have a crown. My teeth are getting wore out on top. The dentist tells me I have to stop but I can't. I crave ice all the time. I can't throw it away. It' just not possible. I don't know why I am doing this nor do I know how to stop. Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop? :cry:
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How to stop

Postby icequeen81 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:49 pm

Order ice tea without the ice, with lemon. That's the only thing that helps me stop eating ice. Also, I get a huge headache after eating a cup of ice.

http://www.berkhamsteddental.com/IMAGES ... cture2.jpg
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Postby duranfann01 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:14 am

I found this site after looking up info on PICA it is a eating disorder it makes you crave dirt,paint,chalk,pencils & ice was also on the list I only want the ice not the other stuff my best friends mom once craved rubber bands she would chew on them all day,,,,,, when I was little I would sometimes chew on tin foil but not for long and now I just stick with the ice,,,,, does anyone here crave other stuff as well,,,, I am happy with ice and when I can get it an iced latte from Starbucks,,,,, I could just live on the 2 of these,,,,, I have been without ice now for too long gotta run to the Our Shitty I'm a spammer who can't get a job. Also, our product sucsk - don't buy from us. Suck and We will rip you off!!!!!!!
Happy Chomping!!!
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Postby SweetT72 » Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:11 pm

guest wrote:Whenever you ingest cold drinks (and I assume ice, in this case), it slows down the stomach's ability to digest food. If you chew ice, it's best not to do it with or directly after a meal so you can give your body a chance to digest your food as quickly as possible. Ice -- an in between meal snack?

You are so right, that's why I experience digestive problems.
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ice = rocks

Postby leetsqueak » Thu May 11, 2006 11:32 am

It might interest you to consider this view about chewing ice and how it affects your health. Ice cubes are rocks, plain and simple. That's why they wear down your teeth. We don't think of them as rocks because they melt at a very low (relatively) temperature (and thus, water is lava). Ever notice similarities between a piece of white quartz and an ice cube? They're both crystals - they're both rocks.
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i chew ice but i'm quitting.

Postby mmh991 » Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:04 pm

ok, i'm 14 and i chew ice alot. not as bad as some of those on here, but pretty bad. i chewed crushed ice, so i'm not sure if that's as bad as cubes. my parents and siblings have been telling me to quit chewing it, and i keep saying i'm going to..but it was extremely difficult. i tried, but just went back to it. after reading some of the cases on here, i'm trying again to quit. i haven't chewed ice in a couple days. i use to get really bad headaches and couldn't figure out why. then i would get really bad stomache aches and cramps, and i couldn't figure out what those were from either. i haven't gotten any recently so i'm thinking it has to do with the ice chewing. i don't know why i'm so addicted to it, my friends will chew it every now and then and they can stop easily. does having that habit really relate to dizzyness and lack of iron? i have a doctor appoitment in august to check it out. try hard to quit, it really is bad for your teeth. the craving yesterday was extremely tough to get through, but today it's not as bad.
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Postby Carly » Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:29 pm

SweetT72 wrote:
guest wrote:Whenever you ingest cold drinks (and I assume ice, in this case), it slows down the stomach's ability to digest food. If you chew ice, it's best not to do it with or directly after a meal so you can give your body a chance to digest your food as quickly as possible. Ice -- an in between meal snack?

You are so right, that's why I experience digestive problems.

I've always gotten random, really bad stomach aches, but those started before I chewed ice. So I can't say that I've experienced digestive problems from chewing ice. In fact, today after school I had a headache, but when I came home, I had a glass of water and a few ice cubes, and now I feel fine! Although it could have also just been the water...
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Sexually Frustrated?

Postby Rambling » Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:40 pm

I am ice frustrated, since I have to pay for it. :P
I could chew Alaska
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Postby Jsalts » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:51 pm

Guest wrote:I heard that some people chew ice due to sexual frustration. Any thoughts on this?

haha. 17 male and virgin. That would make ALOT of sense to me.
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