Hi new here

Happy to be around chewy ice people. I like so many here feel I have found my flock lol
I'm 43 DX with Parkinson's disease 8-11-11 and been chewing ice since 2001 ( my last pregnancy)
I recently bled for 13 days straight and to get meds to help stop this. All tests came back
normal except hemoglobin and ferritin levels. My hemoglobin is 8.6 and ferritin levels are a 2.
My primary basically called me and said I'm walking around with no iron in my blood essentially.
I'm now taking Ferrex 150 2wice a day. Still I crave ice sometimes over food.
I have been buying sonic ice and carting that home in thermo insulated bags. I don't like the
Taste of tap water ice even in pellet form however. But will chew it if flavored with a bit of sprite or Perrier water with lime
flavoring. That kinda masks the tap water taste some.
I recently had to find a new dentist and right away he asked, "are you an ice chewer?" It was obvious!! I was outed public ally by the dentist no hiding my bad habit. "Bad habit" is what he called it and said it was wrecking my teeth.
I'm thinking now of buying the 150 small cube ice trays and freezing Perrier sparkling water with lime.
Because I want the purest ice I can get. I don't understand for the life of me WHY sonic can't use a water purify
system filter on their water coming into the 3,000 dollar pellet ice cube maker they invest in for their stores.
The quality of all the drinks they make would drastically improve!