I crunch ice b/c...

Why do you chew ice?

I crunch ice b/c...

Postby kgirl784 » Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:57 am

I started cruching ice when I was pregnant with my daugher (who is now 5 1/2). I've been told it could be b/c my iron might be low. I had my iron checked and my iron level is normal. Then I read that it's a sign of sexual frustration, which explains a lot lol. My boyfriend moved to Myrtle Beach, SC in June of last year and we don't see each other often so that might explain my ice crunching. I don't do it often, but it's enough to call it a habit. I had stopped for awhile but started back up again.
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Re: I crunch ice b/c...

Postby nookdisney » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:51 am

This story teaches adults to read all of me. Whether it is in terms of new knowledge and do what I troubleshootings Newark official.
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Re: I crunch ice b/c...

Postby IcePixie » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:02 am

kgirl784 wrote:I started cruching ice when I was pregnant with my daugher (who is now 5 1/2). I've been told it could be b/c my iron might be low. I had my iron checked and my iron level is normal. Then I read that it's a sign of sexual frustration, which explains a lot lol. My boyfriend moved to Myrtle Beach, SC in June of last year and we don't see each other often so that might explain my ice crunching. I don't do it often, but it's enough to call it a habit. I had stopped for awhile but started back up again.

For me, three reasons.
1. It's hot as dragon fire here (in GA, esp. in the summer *ugh!*)
2. I do have low iron. I take a supplement, but it's still low around my monthly, even when I double up my dose...
3. Sexual frustration. I simply don't get enough action in that department :evil:

But, even if I moved to the Arctic Circle, had proper iron levels, and a partner who could keep up w/ my sexual appetite, I think at this point, I'd still crunch. It's become a habit, and I just like it. :lol:
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