this is so weird

Why do you chew ice?

this is so weird

Postby shlay » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:42 pm

i cant believe all of this! its so weird. today at work someone told me that i could be anemic because i chew ice so much. half of the time the reason that i get a drink is so that i can have ice. i used to work at a place that had crushed ice and i would come to work and get a whole cup of ice and eat it. i like to get drinks at fast food places just so that i can have the ice and i know which places have good ice and which places have big cubes, which i don't really like as much because they take forever to melt down. when we moved into our new apartment i was excited because our refrigerator had an ice maker and we didn't have to use the ice trays any more. i don't like that ice because the ice is too big. i love ice and everyone always thinks its so weird how picky and weird i am about it. i also found out today that my mom is anemic and has low iron. she told me that its not that big of a deal and i should just start taking iron I'm a spammer who can't get a job. Also, our product sucsk - don't buy from us..
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Re: this is so weird

Postby LusciousDC » Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:23 pm

I can't believe I am not ALONE!!!! :P I thought I was weird for eating ice all day long. I go to different places to scope out who has the best chewable ice. Right now my top two are Sonic and Quick Stop. Yes, I know I eat ice because I'm low on iron, my sister (the RN) told me that. I carry my cup and spoon everywhere I go just to make sure I can get some ice if I want it. I'm just happy to know that there are others out there just as weird as I am. Now for the big question...How many of you can't stand to let your food touch other food on your plate? ME! ME! ME! Yes, I know, I have issues.
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