Sexually Frustrated

Why do you chew ice?

Sexually Frustrated

Postby dbhluvice » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:57 am

I have read other people comment about being sexually frustrated and pigging out on ice. Well I dont know if there is any connection but personally I do seem to eat more ice when me and my bf are having bedroom issues and we have been having them on the regular for the past 6 months or I stay at Wa Wa's getting ice at least 3 times a day....whew!!!
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Re: Sexually Frustrated--SO TRUE

Postby vivrant99 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:02 pm

I fully and whole-heartedly believe in the ice-sex relation. I had NEVER heard of this theory in my life but noticed that all of a sudden, about a month ago, I was constantly craving and chewing ice. Prior to this and throughout my 21 years, I have hated ice and, in general, have a strong dislike for anything that's cold. In restaurants my drink orders were always accompanied with "no ice, please". So it was extra strange when my ice cravings kicked in. These cravings also seemed to coincide with about the 2-week anniversary of my boyfriend of 3 years being away, as he has recently found a job out of town and for the last 2 months have only been able to have sex on his days back (4 out of every 14 days). Still, I didn't make a connection because I had NEVER heard of ice-sex theories. By the time he came back after about a full month (he had skipped one of his 4-day breaks), my ice fetish was out of control. After seeing him and tellin him he immediately said "obviously, because of no sex". I was surprised, and he was surprised at my surprise because, apparently, "everyone knows this". After hearing this it all made sense. I think it's more than just a coincidince that the first time in my life that I enjoyed ice happened to be during the longest period without sex since when I started having regular sex a little after losing my virginity 4 years ago.
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