CrunchHater I can feel your pain seems I am a bit of a hippocrite though as I am addicted to the crunch/coolness/melty feeling but to hear another crunching ice sends this anger through me that makes me want to kill someone!

My sister and I used to fight fiercly over her ice munching, and now my poor husband has to endure mine.
He tells me it does not bother him, but I can't imagine that it really doesn't get to him on some level! I try to curb the desire, or just indulge while at work (my desk is away from others and our ice is very soft so I know I am not a bother there). I have also started taking an iron supplement to see if that will help diminish the annoying habit ...I am always borderline anemic and since the chewing has just recently gotten "out of control" I am hoping this will help.
...On behalf of the conscientious chewers, I do apologize! (in the meantime, try earplugs when you are in another room just to get a little break once in a while)