I have always chewed a cube to two on occassion but about two months ago I started craving a nice glass of ice with a splash of water to help soften it. My husband thinks I am totally nuts! Just about two weeks ago I actually broke a molar tooth right in half, after this weeks trip to the dentist and the up coming root canal, along with a new crow, not to mention the $3000 dentist bill I will have when I am done, you would think I would have stopped instantly with this horrible habit, yet here I sit chewing on cubes while typing this.....it's insanity!
I have always heard that chewing ice is some type of deficiency and I am trying to find out WHAT it is that I am lacking before I end up having to mortgage my house just to fix the teeth I am going to break.
Any suggestions what I can try to curb this ugly habit? Your input is greatly appreciated......my teeth thank-you for your assistance!