Looking for a good Ice Crushing Machine

What makes the Best Ice?

Looking for a good Ice Crushing Machine

Postby yesimanaddict » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:55 pm

Hey Everyone!

I eat ice so much that I've transitioned from the type of ice I eat - I started out with cloudy ice cubes (I still LOVE these!), ice in bags from like 7-11, sonic ice, and now I am looking for ice that is like snow. Is there a good ice crushing machine that I can buy to put cubes of ice in make snow? Right now what i do is get crushed ice from my frig and then put it in a plastic bag and crush it with a hammer - not when it is melting or slushy though only when it is fresh and hard that way the snow is firm (i know i sound crazy but its good!) Anyway any ideas??
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Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:48 pm

Re: Looking for a good Ice Crushing Machine

Postby Amy47 » Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:55 pm

Target sas a "snow cone maker" that you might be interested in. Or you could just google "snow cone makers" and there are plenty of answers, though I am not sure this is exactly the consistency you are looking for. I personally love Hawaiian shaved ice, but I am not sure what they use to make their ice. You also need to have really good filtered water if you want the best kind of ice! :) Do you use a refrigerator water filter for your ice? There are a lot of options out there, and this is something you might want to consider.
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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:48 pm

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