first off, i just wanted to say that i think this is so cool. i thought i was alone on this ice chewing thing, and that i was just weird. but anyways, i have two cups that i use for ice and ice only. and i get crushed ice out of the fridge, and fill it up with spring water from 'the water guy.' i let it sit for about ten or fifteen minutes, pour the water out && mash it up with my knife, an dig in. my family and boyfriend get so annoyed with is, especially the noise the fridge makes. and they hate it when i "chomp" near them.
i've been chewing ice for years, it started when i got braces or i found out that i was anemic. i think it was about six years ago. my blood count was a four, when it should've been a twleve. but i've been hooked ever since.
so, just thought i'd share that.