half-frozen ice.
do you remember the fruit snacks called gushers? well, imagine a gusher... MADE OUT OF ICE! that's right. a cold and rigid icy exterior with a cool and refreshing water core. oh. my. god.
i put water into a fresh set of trays and wait anxiously. i can't help but check the freezer every 5 minutes to see if they're ready. just talking about this makes me want to light a few candles, take all my clothes off, and just lay around eating ice all afternoon with a box fan drying the summer sweat off my body.
the second best part to the orgasmic release of the cold water is the anticipation. the fore-play, if you will. looking down at that perfectly formed cube with the little bubble inside... the pleasure that awaits. thinking you are prepared, but knowing full well that as soon as you bite into that cube you will experience earthquaking joy the likes of which angels sing about in the heavens.
i love ice.
so. so. so. much.

now if you'll excuse me...