best ice tray?

What makes the Best Ice?

best ice tray?

Postby kkimm » Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:18 am

hey, guys. was wondering, since the ice tray in the freezer leaked (and so my mom threw it away lol), i'm thinking about getting a new one.
got any ideas/suggestions?
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Postby ice maniac » Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:48 am

try the ice trays from e bay. the metal ones. they are great for making
or foggy ice. jut fill them up layer by layer, only putting in very little water eatch time. also go for the ones with smaller sections :) :wink: :idea:
ice maniac
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Postby kkimm » Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:03 am

thanks! i'll try that :)
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Postby brizee77 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:27 pm

I am so glad someone took my suggestion. That really is the best ice ever........ I got 2 more of the metal sliver ice trays from ebay this week making my total 14 now. I go thru that many a day easy and it takes quite a while to fill them up layer by layer but it really is the best. All white and soft and tastes great. I also have a chest style deep freezer that I use and squirt water all over the edges of it and then when I empty my ice trays I scrape that very thin ice off the sides and it is the very best. I have gotten alot of people around me addicted as well even non ice chewers. I've had to tell a few of my friend to get their own ice trays and leave my ice alone so if you don't want to have to share keep it to yourself from the start. lol........
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Re: best ice tray?

Postby liuliandy » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:43 am

I am so glad someone took my suggestion. That really is the best ice ever........

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