favorite Ice

What makes the Best Ice?

ice machines

Postby krunchy » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:37 pm

I thought i was crazy. I started chewing ice on an 8 hour drive down I 5 from LA to San Francisco. I did it to stay awake. somehow it stuck with me. I already knew I was anemic, but just yesterday decided to search ice chewing and could not believe there was a chat board about it. When they said ice chewing meant anemia it all made sense. I used to bite big solid cubes til i broke a front tooth, and then I found a really great ice machine called a windchaser. I figured $399 bucks was cheaper than replacing a tooth. The ice is kinda soft, and the machine makes cubes in 8 minuted. I always have a supply. I eat it all day long,but I do it alone mostly. My boyfriend doesn't seem to mind, even though I have told him if it bothered him I would go outside. The soft cubes are better on the sides of my mouth and don't make me bleed. wow, i guess I am not a freak after all!!!
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Postby krunchy » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:42 pm

All of you that like the foggy ice get a windchaser ice machine. Foggy bullet shaped ice cubes with a hole in them(not all the way through) ice every 8 minutes!!![/img]
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Postby Scrooey~Snowball » Sun Aug 14, 2005 8:58 pm

I really love this site. It's so nice to know I'm not alone in my HUMONGUS craving for ice, ice, and more ice!!! We also have an ice maker that can't seem to keep up with my demand for more more ice even though I use four ice trays stuck in a ziplock bag to catch and freeze the overflow. How many of you out there like to dig under the ice in the ice-maker bin to crunch on those little nugget pieces of ice that are in the very bottom lying there waiting to be devoured?! The ones toward the back of the bin always seem to be the frostiest and the very best. :lol: Chomp! Crunch! Chomp!
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Postby spw143 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:26 pm


honey join the club...well the PICA club...for i enjoy several things ranging from baking powder, cornstarch, chalk, kaolin and yes....ice =0)

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Postby ElizaInWondrland » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:49 am

Ahhh! If you go to Starbucks and ask for a cup of Ice, or ice water, they have AMAZING ice.
And the ice they use in Iced Lattes in Dunkin Donuts, or Iced Coffee from McDonalds.
It's delicious!
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Postby perry11 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:58 pm

I like to use the ice crusher in my fridge, cover the ice with water, and then drain the water out so the ice is moist when you eat it. I go through at least 3-5 glasses a day.
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I can't believe it

Postby Kia » Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:07 pm

I cannot believe that I am not the only ice junkie out here. I love eating ice. It has a certain "taste" to it. I like the ice at Taco Bell. It is already in nugget form. I am glad that I have finally found a group of people that understand what it is like to eat ice. My family thinks I am weird, but I love it. Cruncch On!!!
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Postby emma » Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:29 am

Foggy ice...Mmmmm my favourite.
Dint ask me why but ever since i became an ice muncher foggys been top of my list.
It just seems to mulch down lovely in my mouth without having to crunch too hard.
I cant stand hard glassy ice and it's always this kind that threatens to break my teeth! :oops:
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Postby gleamingtheicecube » Mon May 14, 2007 1:34 pm

I like those little cubes with the hole halfway through them. I like to chip away at the thin edges with my front teeth before going for broke with the molars on the rest of them.
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Postby slim icy » Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:03 pm

WHITE ICE!!! By far...usually my trays come out with white ice...I'll take a whole tray...let it sit outside for a while until the cubes melt a lil. Then I'll put them in my special cup (a glass Mickey Mouse cup that I got from McDs a few years back...I can fit a whole tray of fairly large ice cubes). If not, I'll "visit" my aunt with a cup...she has a fridge with an icemaker that makes the semi-circle white ice cubes...again, I'll let it sit in the cup to get just a lil melty before I start to chew.
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Postby June » Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:49 pm

I found the neatest thing. I was in this Family Dollar Store to pick up some cleaning supplies and went down the picnic row. Well, There they were, ice trays, plastic, all those bright colors, that make ice sticks! Yeah. I just filled mine about 1/2 way up and made little crunch sticks that are oh so soft and chewy. They are about 2 1/2 or 3 in. long. Gotta try them. I'm going back to get more.
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Postby pynkpanther » Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:14 pm

i'm so picky about my ice...if it tastes rancid (like most bagged ice) or has white deposits in in when it melts (like sonic) i get thoroughly disgusted. i live off of circle k crushed ice and subway has GREAT ice - it's large ice cubes but is frosty and soft.

i really do god at staying away from cornstarch - i used to eat boxes of it in high school...i know it could probably add more pounds to my frame than i need, so the ice comes in to save me.
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Foggy ice

Postby MissPookette » Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:38 pm

I use cheap bottled water. that way you can't taste the chlorine but any other oxygen/gas/mineral contents make the ice cloudy. i think that may have to do something with the ice turning out more airy and maybe slushy when it melting. i like the chew-feel of that. I also love tasting the trace of the plastic from the ice mold. i never put anything in the freezer or refrigerator when the container is open or not sealed properly - the system has an open airflow and i don't like tasting food in my ice, especially aromatic vegetables.
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Postby icefairy » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:48 pm

I like the white ice best (although thin and clear is good too!) I found the best way to make is is with sparkling water mmmmm makes my mouth water just thinking about it!!
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My Favorite Ice -Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf!

Postby Danthelyn » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:54 am

I haven't discovered this until recently, being a Starbucks girl, but as my bro-in-law is a strict Coffee Bean n" Tea Leaf guy, I found myself at our local Coffee Bean, and naturally asked for my favorite - just a cup of ice.

IT IS AWESOME! Coffee Bean ice comes in tiny round little balls, slightly smaller than the tip of my pinky - Perfect for crunching. Also, I've got a weird habit of trying to half-swallow small bits of ice and catching it at the back of my throat. These tiny ices are PERFECT for it. They also melt nicely, when I don't feel like crunching and want to just dissolve some in my mouth for a bit, and since their so tiny I've no worries of getting too-large a piece and getting a brain freeze. The BEST bit? Coffee Bean will give you a large cup for free! Or at least, our local one will. I've been back several times for just a cup, and they've never charged. I usually encourage my husband to buy a drink also, so they are still receiving SOME profit from my repeat patronage but if he's disinclined or not around they have never begrudged me even their largest cup full of ice totally free. :) :) :)
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