MY First Post

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MY First Post

Postby perryandtina83 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:45 pm

Well after reading many of the post listed i have found that i am not the only one who loves to eat ice, my family thinks i am crazy, i drive them nuts all the time, if i don't have ice i go into a state of panic, i do not like to make ice i have to have store brought ice, i like certain stores ice better then others but when your out who cares i just get what ever i can. lucky for me i live right down the street from Seaford Ice it is in Delaware, so i can go six days a week to pick me up a bag of ice, and the price isnt bad either $2.25 for 16lbs. Any way i agree with all the people out there who like ice from sonic. i also found that some sam's clubs have the same type too, so do race trac's in florida. I always have a big strofoam cup filled with ice. i like mine in strofoam cause it lets it melt a bit but keeps it for a long time. I was going to mcdonalds to get a sweet tea because those cups are great and my daughter-in-law was tired of me always going there so for my birthday she brought me a big box of strofoam cups from sam's club, now i can have a new cup everyday. i have enough to last a year. she was even nice to get me the lids that go with them, so i am set. well i just ran out of ice and this is getting long so i can't wait for more post and to be a part of world where i can fit in!
Tina :D
I'm hooked on eating ice!
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:53 pm
Location: delaware

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