I'm addicted!!!!

Share your ice chewing stories.

I'm addicted!!!!

Postby belindasayjay » Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:48 am

I have been chewing ice since my gastic bypass back in 2003...I can not stop. I have to have ice morning, noon, and night. I dream about chewing ice. And I perfer ice over food. I have a cup of ice frist then I eat and then I have another cup of ice. I sometimes get up in the middle of the night and chew ice. I stand in the freezer and just smell it sometimes. I have to make myself not scrap the freezer in the supermarket. I go the H>E>B. and ask for bags of ice from the seafood dept. and I eat it in the car on my way home with the heater blasting full speed. When I sit at home in front of my portable heater and eat ice by the bagful (reddy ice in squares, are my favorite) I am in heaven. I have a deep freezer and I love to use a butter knife and scrap the frost from the sides to eat. I'm sick, I know. I eat ice by the cupful at work...we have a ice machine that makes "good ice" and I eat it all day long....I sometimes go to my car and turn on the heater and eat ice during lunch because our building is so cold.I'm sooooo sick!!!
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Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:44 pm
Location: houston, texas

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