I mean, that's what I'm known for. Anyone who knows me well enough knows me because of it. I even have waitresses recognize me. They instantly bring me an extra cup of ice when I walk in...I could just keep going at the ice if no one stopped me, or if I never ran out. I love Sonic's ice!!! My friends give me nicknames like icee, freeza...or just 'the ice girl.'
After much google-research, I found out it was an actual disorder! A sympton of iron-deficient anemia.
I've been diagnosed with severe anemia when I was in my teens and it was due to extremely heavy menstrual amounts. My hemoglobin count was 6. But that all got fixed when I went on a strict raw-food diet which restored my whole system. Well, not entirely because I still can't donate blood but I definitely don't have really bad head rushes anymore. It was remarkable how the amounts of my menstration decreased. But why do I still crave ice oh so obsessively? It's totally messing up my digestive system...I just can't seem to stop! Ice just looks so damn delicious!!!!
Now, I've become a bit of an expert on ice. Like how it reacts differently to water, soda, alcohol...and what not..
I like to fill my glass with ice and just dash it with a bit of soda...That way, it melts a just right which is easier to chew..also you get the flavor of the soda!...I'm crazy....I know....