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Constant Ice

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:44 pm
by intercessor
I eat all the time. in the morning when i wake up i get ice. when i drive down the road i eat ice. what is wrong. i know someone can relate to my ice eating bouts after all this is an ice chewing web site. smile

Constant Ice

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:40 am
by katleve8879
I have found my addiction to ice hightening to where I am eating it all the time as well. My teeth are starting to hurt a bit so I was checking online for info when I found this sight. My life has been increasingly stressful over the last few month and I think I've just found it to be so enjoyable to crunch ice. It's something that is almost always accessible and legal and I look forward to eating it. I know I probably look a little weird at work because I'm constantly eating it, but i don't care. I have just been diagnosed with bipolar II disorder and have lots of anxiety. So I say, if it makes you feel better...great! I think it also feels powerful to crunch you a feeling of power and control in a world that feels very much out of control most of the time.