hello from NJ

Share your ice chewing stories.

hello from NJ

Postby Giggles » Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:09 pm

:lol: hi everyone. I was sooooo excited when I saw on the news this morning about this "message board" for ice chewers. My husband just sat there rolling his eyes :roll: as I spent most of the day trying to find it since I couldn't remember what it was called and as I did searches, got side-tracked by things like my email, myspace, trips to the kithcen for "icy chips" :drool: .. etc, etc.....

Plus it's superbowl Sunday and I keep watching stuff on TV with that. .... :P

Anyways, I spent some time reading some of the boards about different health issues and reasons why you chew ice. My story is:
When I was young {about 7 or 8 maybe} we were on the Jersey boardwalk and got pizza and soda at some place. i remember getting a diet dr. pepper that had these tiny ice cubes and I have been stuck on those two things for the past 35 years.

over the years, my health issues have gone from bad to worse... I have been a diabetic for 30+ years, so hospital ice has pretty much always been there for me. Recently {almost 2 years} I was diagnosed with kidney failure and renal carcinoma {remission for 2 years now}. This had lead to dialysis of which I do PD dialysis at home and does not limit my fluid intake. Now between the diabetes and renal issues, I am anemic, and also have issues like gastroparesis, ulcerative colitis/chron's {still being fully diagnosed on which it is}, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis and a history of ovarian and uterine cancer {in remission for 5 years now}... I also had most of my teeth removed {due to chemo and radiation treatments} and for the past 3 years, the ICE BINGE has been NON STOP :drool:

So, needless to say, I have given up all other liquid except for poland spring water and ice chips whenever I can get them. I make daily trips to my local Quick Check store{s} to get cups full of ice "nuggets". and on days that I do not feel like going out, I have a bag of ice that I smash with a hammer and then put into the blender {on grind} and make into shaved ice.

So, does ice chewing and health factors have anything to do with each other? I don't know, and I really don't care. Ice chewing makes me happy. The smaller the "nugget" the happier I am... especially since I can not break down the larger cubes easily. Being on dialysis, I have not gained any weight with the amount of ice I go thru on a daily basis {surprising} unless that part is due to the colitis issues ??

So, from NJ, a big wave hello {with a cup full of shaved ice} ... can't wait to hear from some of you!!!

Also, anyone with info on smaller, home prtable ice machines - drop me a line. i have done some searching, but am not happy with just reading "makes 3 different sizes of cubes". without knowing what sizes the cubes can be. I want nuggets, small tiny cubes, like the hospital has wwithout needing a $6 K machine and water filter/system installed in my house - LOL.

My cup is empty and the super bowl is coming to an end, so I must go and prepare more ice shavings and get ready to retire for the evening ... huggz to all :mrgreen:
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Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:30 pm

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