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Thank God am not along Eating ice cause anemia?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:26 am
by escarchaNY25
:oops: I my name is channy thanks God am not along but I know i need help I aet 2 to 3 bags of ice daily and am getting nervuse because people always said that eating ice cause anemia; I have anemia for a long time and other medicals problem like RSD and always feels the need of eat ice to control my craving of pain in my body. If some one could answer for me If eating ice cause anemia i would thank them bc I may have to stop but its so GOOD :mrgreen: How could I stop? If someone spanish will be better!

Re: Thank God am not along Eating ice cause anemia?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:02 pm
by patricia 123
It is not that eating ice causes anemia; it is a SYMPTOM of anemia. See a Dr. Get a blood test... Have an endoscopy. Check for bleeding and celiac. Good luck