How do you eat ice?

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How do you eat ice?

Postby Ammeh » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:09 pm

I was wondering exactly how people eat their ice here.

I eat mine in a custard cup, that holds about a cup of ice. I have one the fridges that has ice in the door, so I just set it to crush and fill the cup.

I used to eat it with my fingers, but one time I decided to try using chopsticks, and I don't know how I ever got along without them! It was hard at first, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I wasn't very good at using chopsticks when I started, but now I'm great at it!

I like to eat ice this way because:

The small cup keeps me from eating too much, and the chopsticks keep me from eating too fast, which is good.

The cup is the perfect size- I eat the smaller chips at first, and by the time I get to the bottom, the larger bits are nice and soft and crunchy-white, and the chips that were at the bottom are all clear and stuck together...I love it!

The chopsticks are more sanitary, and they keep me from freezing my fingers...they also keep my fingers from getting wet, so it's easier to eat ice and do something else at the same time.

Lastly, it improves my chopstick-abilities, and it's fun. (At least in my opinion! ^_^; )

I'm aware that my method of eating ice is pretty unusual, so I was wondering how most people do! Do you use your fingers? A spoon? Do you just tilt the cup back and open your mouth? How much do you get at a time?
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Postby SweetT72 » Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:46 pm

You bring up a very good point. eating ice with our fingers is very unsanitary and we are so crazy we don't even think about that.

I usually eat ice with my fingers, but I make sure I wipe my finger each time I put my hand in the cup. going to the ice from the keyboard is nasty.

i just tilted the cup back and I see I can eat ice this way. except I like to break pieces together before eating them. I don't like putting the larger pieces in my mouth.

Do you eat ice when you have a cold?
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Postby karenj » Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:56 am

I ususally try to tilt the cup back and eat the ice. Sometimes the ice sticks together and I shake the cup or glass to break it apart which drives my husband crazy!! If I'm in the car and it sticks together I'll find a pen or any sharp object I can find to break it up. Sometimes I beat it on the side of the stearing wheel!! Yes, Sonic ice is the ultimate ice for me. It's the same ice that they make in hospitals. My sister is a nurse and also an ice cruncher, so she has that ice at her disposal at work. She is so lucky!!!
Ice is nice!!!
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how I eat my ice

Postby Skitterboo » Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:31 am

I have a 32 ounce THICK glass, cup that no one uses but me, and eat the ice with my fingers.
I'm constantly washing my hands so they are clean for the ice, and avoid scented soaps, and lotions of any kind, so there is no taste transfer.

My glass goes everywhere with me, it fits in my purse and the outter pocket of my winter coat.

for shorter trips I grab a sandwich size zip-loc bag and carry it with me, sometimes in the pocket of my jeans or my jacket.

When I'm at the keyboard, I tilt the cup and open my wet fingers on the mouse/keyboard!

I tend to be more sneeky around strangers, at home around family, I've even gone so far as to toss a handfull of ice in to my mouth like some people do popcorn.
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Postby mommyluvsmia » Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:47 pm

I carry a giant cup with me at all times, I leave the house with it full of crushed ice and fill it where ever i can, the only problem is that i have to run to the bathroom everywhere. I keep saying that i will only do it at home but i cant help myself!!!!
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Postby Melloryeller74 » Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:22 pm

I eat my ice with my fingers until it starts to melt and then I dont like getting my fingers wet/cold so I use a spoon after that. At work I use a spoon. I have a giant insulated cup that i use for my ice. No one ever is allowed to use my cup :) It keeps the ice from melting longer and holds a ton of it at a time.
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Postby RosaRx » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:20 pm

I get my ice at BP which is a gas station. I get it in a 32 oz cup which they let me refill for free. Then I take it to the gym with me and get in the warm water pool and work out nibbling on my ice between sets of various excercizes.

I dip it out with my fingers. For some reason this is part of the whole thing. It seems forbidden -- like having chocolate cake in the midde of the night while on a strict diet.

This goes on slowly for about 2 hours. When its all gone I go home. I stop by the BP on the way home and get another 32oz in the same cup (free) and nibble on that till bedtime.

Sometimes it happens that I have to go back to the BP and get some more.
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Postby deliciouscake » Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:29 pm

I have one of those ice-crushers on my refrigerator, so I am always eating crushed ice

Sometimes I like pouring Sprite on it so it tastes sweet :3

I use a spoon or chopsticks. Yayaaah!
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How do I eat my ice

Postby Ice Crusher » Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:20 am

I like my ice crushed. I work midnights at a hospital and everyone knows that the hospitals have the best crushed ice around! I have been an ice eater for years, and have also learned from my mistakes. I do not at all bite on any ice cubes because biting ice have sent me to the dentist plenty of times. It ruins your teeth! I choose to eat mine crushed and if I have to, I crush it myself sometimes. Pouring it in your mouth and sucking it until it melts have the same great taste with fewer dental bills.
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Postby bchick22 » Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:27 pm

well if i'm watching a movie {@ home very warm :-) } that i know that i'm not going to get up i stick my fingers in there and just be cozy and comfortable chewing my lovely and beautiful ice lol!!!
if i'm driving i tilt the ice to my mouth.
if i'm @ work i tilt it too. i do too much paper work and type alot and i hate having to run to the restroom to wash my hands...
but i mean it all depends on what i'm doing ..... my cousin and my friends get mad @ me for chewing ice BUT whenever i show up with my big humongo MUG everfybody wants my ice lol!!!! i like it but not really because everybody be taking my ice!!!! and my is special and only for ME!! haha.
love yall ICE FAMILY
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Postby sbtier » Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:39 am

I crush my ice in the food processor and eat in with a bowl and spoon. I fill a cereal-sized bowl to overflowing. Don't usually eat the whole thing because my fluffy ice gets harder as it melts.
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Postby icemakesmehappy » Fri Jan 05, 2007 6:21 pm

well I buy bags of Sonic Ice...that is all they are good for...and I will get a bag for work and for all I have to do is tilt the cup. We usually have 2 bags at with large cubes for beverages and one for me to eat. I am shivering right now while eating my ice.
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Postby BPice » Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:13 pm

I always use a cup and just tilt it to eat. But I prefer a flexible pastic type cup so I can squeeze it to jar loose the ice so it slides to my mouth. If I must use a real glass, I have to use a spoon to break up the crushed pieces so I can eat it or else it melts into one hunk which slams against my mouth when I tilt -- ain't a pretty picture! Hate to eat ice with a spoon though -- the metal is too cold and ruins the taste too.
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Postby emma » Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:07 am

I love eatin ice in a tall glass wiv a little water to soften it up.I use my hands but keep a cloth beside me to wipe my wet hands in or to hold ice that is dry and sticks to my skin. :lol:
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Re: How do you eat ice?

Postby Kaysmile01 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:13 am

*** I eat crushed rock Ice only**
* *I love to pick-up each piece by hand and drop it in my mouth
*If I pour it in my mouth, it has to be in a plastic cup, that is bendable, so I can squeeze it together and drain the water off from the ice as its melting. I cant stand to get water in my mouth as I tilt the cup back.

I will freak out if my ice has any sort of smell or taste, that drives me crazy unless its that chlorine taste some ice has.
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